At Helpringham Primary School, our curriculum intent is to develop our sense of ourselves, others and the world.
We develop our sense of self by thinking deeply about how we can care for and look after ourselves, being self-motivated to use our learning, know PSHE can have a positive impact on our physical and mental health, understand that PSHE will support us as we grow and understand the important role of E-Safety in our lives.
To be able to develop our sense of others we need to think deeply about how we can care for and look after others, develop patience, tolerance and understanding when working with others, help to challenge others when working together, share and celebrate our similarities and differences and think carefully about how others can support us but also pose a threat.
In order to develop our sense of the world we need to understand how to share the world peacefully including laws and rules, know how to respect and protect the environment, develop our sense of community, have high aspirations for our futures and careers and understand the term ‘protected characteristics’.
We ensure that high quality teaching drives high quality learning through regular assessment for learning which ensures no child is left behind.
PSHE, or personal, social, health and education, is a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives.
As part of a whole school approach, PSHE develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. It prepares them to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up in such rapidly changing and challenging times. It also helps them to connect and apply the knowledge and understanding they learn in all subjects to practical, real-life situations while helping them to feel safe and secure enough to fulfil their academic potential.
In our programmes we actively promote British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs to prepare our pupils for life in modern day Britain. Our citizenship lessons enable our pupils to understand the British democratic process and how to effect peaceful changes in society.
All our year groups have timetabled PSHE time but we encourage a cross-curricular approach to the development of PSHE skills and understanding. Circle time is used to listen to others and to be heard with the help of class friends. Pupils learn about similarities and differences between people and cultures. They participate in a variety of cultural events such as Diwali, Hanukkah and Shrove Tuesday. Planting and growing things are important aspects of our PSHE curriculum and we link this to an understanding of healthy eating. We use the 1 Decision scheme to ensure full coverage of our PSHE/RHE currciculum.
Our curriculum vision document below demonstrates how PSHE/RSE links to our whole school vision, supporting our children to develop their sense of themselves, others and the world.
Click on the link for further information about the National Curriculum PSHE programmes of Study for PSHE: